Cdu Merkel Email
Voters blame Angela Merkel and rightfully so. A drop in popularity for the CDU and its Bavarian sister party the CSU comes as question marks remain over who will be at the helm of Germanys government come September when Merkel. German Chancellor Angela Merkel S Political Party Rocked By Members Neo Nazi Link Allegations Abc News A very low figure and. Cdu merkel email . Angela Merkels name was not on the ballot at the convention of her Christian Democrats CDU on Saturday. According to the latest survey of Forsa the CDU-CSU union lost three percentage points in the space of a week and fell to 23. Germanys Christian Democrats dominate in key state election ahead of national vote. Merkels CDU wins key state election. On Sunday Angela Merkels Christian Democratic Union of Germany CDU suffered a historic election defeat in their former heartlands of Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate. Merkels CDU suffers big losses in key regional elections. 22 April 2021 1158 ...