Angela Merkel East German Communist
Among the photo-shopped images of her displayed online satirically portraying her in Nazi uniform there is one genuine photograph. So this 1972 photo of her in military-style uniform has left German Chancellor Angela Merkel not amused. Merkel East German Upbringing Influenced My Leadership Style News Dw 09 11 2019 To come anywhere near understanding the enigma that is Angela Merkel it is necessary to explore her early life as a Communist activist in East Germany. Angela merkel east german communist . Life in the Communist-ruled German Democratic Republic GDR was simpler and sometimes could bealmost comfortable in a certain way Chancellor Angela Merkel who grew up in the former East told Sueddeutsche ZeitungIn an interview with the German daily released ahead of Saturdays Nov 9 30th anniversary of the fall of the. Life in the Communist-ruled German Democratic Republic GDR was simpler and sometimes could be almost comfortable in a certain way Chancellor Angela Merkel who grew up in t...